A Sense of History

Reviving Saint Rocke: A Legendary Weekend with the Descendents

Written by: Larry Little

Saint Rocke, a cherished venue for live music and art, was on the brink of being lost after being closed for over three years. The turning point came when Dani noticed a sign while driving by: “For Sale – For Music Lovers only”. Taking a leap of faith, we purchased Saint Rocke, unaware of the rich legacy and the deep connection it had with the local community. Initially, there was a plan to rename the venue, but a gathering of over 250 local musicians and community members on a Monday night changed our minds. The stories shared that night, from epic shows to life-changing encounters and marriages that started within these walls, highlighted the significance of Saint Rocke. As newcomers from Colorado, we were deeply moved by the venue’s history and the community’s passion for it.

Speaking of history, Hermosa Beach and the South Bay area are rich with it. This small beach town, measuring just one square mile, boasts a musical heritage that competes with cities many times its size. The area is known for being the birthplace of influential bands like Black Flag, Circle Jerks, Descendents, and Pennywise, a legacy rivalling major music cities like New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, or even Seattle. It’s also the birthplace of SST Records, Redd Kross, and the Minutemen. Moreover, Hermosa Beach is home to The Lighthouse Cafe, recognized as the birthplace of West Coast jazz. The contributions of local artist Raymond Pettibon, who was instrumental in shaping show flyering and punk poster art, further solidifies the area’s significant role in the music and art scene.

Black Flag 'My War' album poster showcasing the iconic punk band's artwork.

When we received the keys to Saint Rocke in early February of 2023, we made a commitment to uphold its storied legacy and to be diligent stewards of this iconic venue for years to come. Our journey began with a series of “soft opening” shows starting in March, alongside significant upgrades to the venue, including enhancements to the stage, lighting, and sound systems. This all set the stage for our grand kickoff in June.

As we fine-tuned the details behind the scenes, our show calendar began to fill up rapidly. One of the early highlights was hosting the renowned Black Flag for their “My War” tour right here in Hermosa Beach. This memorable concert featured the band playing their entire ‘My War’ album from start to finish in the first set, followed by a second set of their greatest hits, making it an unforgettable experience for fans and music enthusiasts alike.

Side stage view of Black Flag performing live at Saint Rocke, capturing the band's intense energy

“My War” was released 40 years ago – let that sink in! Having my son standing next to me on the side stage and having Greg Ginn dedicate a song to him before ripping into it was a powerful moment, of history, of continuing a legacy, from 40 years onto the next generation of kids.

Ribbon-cutting ceremony at the grand re-opening of Saint Rocke, with community members and dignitaries.

On , we received a great honor from the city of Hermosa Beach. Mayor Ray Jackson and Jessica Accamando of the HB Chamber Of Commerce joined us, bringing along a significant portion of the community, for our ribbon-cutting ceremony. This event served to “officially” announce to the world that Saint Rocke was back in business and ready to reclaim its spot as a premier music venue.

To celebrate the rebirth of Saint Rocke, we were thrilled to host the legendary punk band Descendents for two consecutive nights, marking our Grand Re-Opening. This event not only paid homage to Milo, Bill, Karl, and Stephen but also celebrated the connection between Fort Collins, Colorado, and Hermosa Beach. Bill Stevenson’s Blasting Room Studios, located in our ‘other’ hometown, has seen collaborations with Dani in recording local musicians.

The venue buzzed with an exhilarating energy during these nights, as both old and new friends converged to witness a band that was seemingly too big for our 300-capacity venue, yet they brilliantly owned our stage. A poignant moment was the performance by Plasma Canvas, fronted by Bill Stevenson’s son, setting the stage as a wonderful example of legacy and succession. In a world increasingly digital and disposable, these live music experiences foster a sense of connection and community. Our aim at Saint Rocke is to keep nurturing these connections, offering a space for memorable performances that resonate with fans and artists alike for many more years to come.


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